Main page


Welcome on AntzBotz project page!
AntzBotz is a multiplayer game for developers.
Player's task is to write a code for AI of team of ants, that will fight with other teams online!
Ants can reproduce, search for food, defend, attack and everything else you want!
The programming language that you code ants in is special version of LISP.

Currently i have no time for this project. It will be continued by my friends so dont worry! :)

Project status:

  • AntzLisp (special LISP interpreter)... done!

  • AntzMap (map editor)... done!

  • AntzSimulator (ants behaviour tester)... done!...

  • AntzServer (server)... working...

  • AntzClient (client)... working...

To try out a module run command:
svn co
where modulename is the name of the module you want, for instance: AntzLisp or AntzMap.